COOKING Class with

show & tell

How to participate?

classes are available
on facebook group

Dinners from monday to sunday

Online classes (recorded and available to learn at your own pace)

Vegan Diet saved my life and my family. Through these classes I want to teach you how simple this can be and what you can do on daily basis to stay happy and healthy :) 

sign up today!


How I Healed My Daughter Eczema

Hey, my name is Ullenka and I am sharing the hope and support for many people around the world that are suffering from modern diseases, often called autoimmune. One of them was my own daughter, yet despite what the doctors were saying, I decided not to give up and finally I have found the way to heal her condition once and for good. This video will show you our story, but if you’d like to learn a little more, please check out my eBook: The Fruit Cure, that not only explains how I did it, but also gives great advice, tips and practical knowledge about fruit and high raw food lifestyle, kids, healing and diet.

Watch video to learn my full story.>>>>

healing starts within...


used steroid creams


tried alternative methods


changed your diet

medicine only solves the symptoms on the surface. Diet solves the cause.
you can do this by yourself!

DIET is everything

what we eat matters

How diet impacts our health:
  • feeds good bacteria in the gut
  • simple food helps to digest better
  • better digestion means better absoption
  • better absorption means better nutrition


Once you start nourishing your body with healthy plant based foods, the mind will notice a difference. With time it will ask to receive more of the healthy foods and the unhealthy will naturally fade out. This will take patience and time on your part, especially as you start. That’s why it is so important to learn how to make food qiuick and easy, so your lifestyle is sustainable. 

COOK with ullenka

join my online cooking classes

everything starts down in our gut. our vitality is based on the variety and number of good healthy bacteria. feed them well!

good bacteria likes good food. It is so simple! your gut will heal on it’s own progressively with time. The key is patience and PERSISTENCE and my role is to teach you how to sustain on the diet that is exactly doing that! 

cooking classes online

healthy dinner from monday to sunday

cooking can be enjoyable!

- 7 FUN online cooking shows
- closed facebook group
- making dinners from scratch

cooking classes#2

JOIN the second edition Ullenka’s COOKING CLASS!

You will learn how to make heathy dinners exactly according to this lifestyle and how to mix and match certain foods to make sure you are getting the right nutrition as well as you are not hungry and you know what to eat to feel better and keep healing your body.

You will receive:

  • 7  cooking days to follow online, at your own pace
  • each day I create 1 dinner from scratch
  • each day you will learn many new skills and ideas
  • at the end you will have a mini eBook with recipes
  • lots of fun during classes 🙂
  • all videos will are recorded for you to access at any time and learn when you can.  

How to sign up:

  • follow the link at the top of the page to make a payment and you will receive an email with link to the Facebook group to begin! Excited? 


 This class is meant to be a learning process how to create your VEGAN MENU



I will be your  guide and a teacher. You will learn from practicing along!


Simple recipes that are easy and quick to make. You will enjoy the learning process



Living healthy is not just a diet. We will talk about lifestyle, challenges, habits and more!

Welcome to ...

I recommend this workshop to EVERYONE who is looking for: ideas and recipes, simple solutions, learning how to follow VEGAN LIFESTYLE in a healthy way, the MENU to adopt for themselves or the family. If you struggle with hard to diagnose health problems and nothing seems to help this can be an answer to you after years of struggle. The cooking class will be a complex process of cooking dinners from scratch.


I get a lot of feedback that my recipes are not only easy to make, but also quick to prepare and very tasty. And yes, they are, because as a working mom of three I cannot afford cooking complicated things, since I’ve always made food from scratch. So I have found a balance in making short and basic recipes in a delicious and sometimes a bit fancy way :) to make everybody happy. And I want to teach you how it’s done. 

How it works?

Those classes are the best way for me to teach you by SHOW and TELL modeling fun workshop. We are visual creatures and we model the example, that’s how we mostly learn. During the class you will be learning by following my demonstrations and applying them onto your life. 

your part:

  • join the class by signing up below
  • watch all the trainings in the group, following from the bottom (start with lesson nr 1)
  • practice, practice, practice!

my part:

  • provide the ebook with recipes
  • provide the classes and answer your questions

join today!

email me at: if you have any questions

The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. 



I am not, nor am I holding myself out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or any other medical professional (“Medical Provider”), psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker (“Mental Health Provider”), registered dietician or licensed nutritionist. I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in or through my Website pertaining to your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, business/career choices, finances, or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our Website. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on this Website. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly. The information contained on this Website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 


See You Soon!

Make decision and start the journey today!