
I'm Ullenka
Diet & Health coach

Very often people turn to me as their last hope. When everything else has failed them and everything else they tried didn’t work. 
Raw food diet seems like the last option they are willing to try, somehow feeling afraid. But once they actually do, the transformation and the effect blows their mind and they almost regret waiting this long. 
If you read this and hesitate a bit, I just want you to know you are not alone to feel this way, but you’ve got nothing to loose if you try. You’ve got a lot to loose if you don’t. 

Apply for FREE  CALL today and learn about how can I help you on your journey to get you faster and easier where you want to be. 

How to receive my support ?

How to work with ullenka ?

I am receiving several messages daily with questions what to do, why the skin is flaring, what to eat and when, how to stop the itch, what to cook, what to eat raw… I see the pain and struggle and I know how to help but sometimes it requires more than just one tip or small advice. I respond to your instagram questions and concerns. I make You Tube videos, I post daily, I share my life on Instagram stories, where I am showing you my own breakfast, lunch and dinner.

 I do lots to inspire you, but if you want more than that, you may benefit way more from closer relationship with me,  so I could guide you from the dark place out to the light. 

I see how many mistakes are made without proper simple knowledge and understanding what raw food really is and how our body responds to more natural diet. Coming from standard diet we need to take certain approach that will not cause more problems and will actually bring healing instead. It is very easy to make mistakes that are hard to fix later. People these days forgot how to listen to their own bodies and do not recognize anymore what is good and what is not. The body is sending messages, it asks for rest and support, we just don’t see it anymore or choose to ignore it. Look at wild animals, how they just naturally recognize the poison from nutrition and heal themselves with simple herbs when sick. We do have naturally build in system that can work just like that if we learn how to listen. 

I can teach you that, so you will learn a skill for life to keep you and your family healthy in the future. 

At the moment I am focusing on working in small groups of 2 or 3 people together, which seems to have most impact on everyones journey and brings lots of positive outcomes. Each month I start a new Mini Group for close private coaching with weekly Live calls and daily chat while following my Eczema Healing Program. I honestly say, that very soon I won’t be able to respond to most of my messages personally because I almost have no space for that anymore. 

If you are looking for more guidance, I offer Free Eczema Healing Guide, eBooks, Programs, Consultations and Private Coaching.


V.I.P. Custom
Coaching Program

My Private PROGRAMS are tailored especially for your individual needs.
With this option I have all necessary time and resources to become you best support and guide throughout the healing process. I can give you extra attention and reach for additional resources when necessary to help you solve a non typical situation.
If you want to be taken care of from head to toe and more work on my part, this is a great way to do it.

DIY & Guided Programs

This version of my Eczema Healing Program is great for someone who is looking for support along the way and clear directions, while following an online course. You can choose between DIY or Guided Programs, to suit your style.

1:1 Consultations

When you just need a little bit of direction and clarifying the path, initial advice or to make sure you are on the right track, but you do not want the whole program, choosing 1-2 sessions or a session
per month is a really good idea.
Book 1 call every 2-3 weeks to receive support during your journey.

Discovery calls are FREE, to determine which program suits your situation. Only PERSONALIZED consultation is paid.

Not sure what is suitable for you ?

Fill out the survey below:

Very often I am the last hope, when everything else has failed, when nothing works anymore. People avoid changing their diet because raw food still sounds not so familiar and they are afraid. 

But once they do, they are amazed how easy this is and how mind blowing are the results. They almost regret they haven’t done it sooner. 

So if you hesitate today, if you have doubts and worries – I want you to know that you’re not the first one feeling this way. Most people are. But you’ve got nothing to loose to try, while you have a lot to loose if you don’t. 

Book a FREE Discovery CALL to learn how I can help you to get where you want to be faster and easier.

Apply for PRIVATE COACHING to learn about my small group programs and 1:1 coaching packages. 

Learn more about Ullenka's program

Eczema Is Only A Symptom

Eczema is not a disease. Doctors are helpless but it can be healed by making simple changes in our diet and adjusting our daily habits. I am practicing a very natural approach and help someone to understand how their body works, so they heal themselves once and for good.
Group programs are fantastic for those who are looking for high quality budget private coaching and also like to work as a group. Apply if you are ready to commit!